Friday, February 26, 2010

Miss independent, Miss self-sufficient....

This was a normal day of Rhi and I, just hanging out while the other kids are at school. She eats breakfast, she helps clean up, and she takes a shower. On days we just stay home I just let her go pick out whatever she wants to wear. This shirt is usually the one she picks, it has little pink birds on it, and its her favorite. And in typical 3 year old fashion she HAS to do everything BY HERSELF! Every time she wears it... her screams of agony can be heard throughout the house, and yet refuses to let me help. So don't think that I'm a bad mom, and just let my child suffer, I tried to help her several times she is just too stubborn to let me help her!

When she realized I was taking pictures of her, she stopped screaming. (I should pretend to take pictures of her antics more often)

Finally! Got that big ol' head through the hole! (no thanks to me of course!)

I had to take one of her actually happy, hair combed, and looking cute. I can put up with a little screaming now and then as long as I get to see this happy face when its all said and done! Love you Rhi!


  1. I did not know you had a blog! I officially do now and you are on my list!!! Your family is so stinkin cute!!!

  2. Hey woman! You definitely need to come visit us and our new animals :) haha... I miss you guys! LOVE YOU!
